Best Monologues

FREE original monologues and scenes for males and females

Actor Spotlight

Every couple weeks I will feature one or two actors to help promote them.  If you would like to be featured on this website, email me at Totally FREE!

                  Brandly Chandler

'Hi! I’m Brad. I'm a new acting graduate from Rose Bruford College in London. I’ve been in love with the process of acting for a long time now and my only real dream is to be given the opportunity to create a character professionally. I’m learning that a working actor is an incredibly precious thing, but I’m going to do everything there is to become one!'   

Monologue Video (click here)

Rep'd by Crawford Marriott Associates 




P: +44 7484815411

Female Monologues 

To access a monologue, click on the title.

One minute monologue about a university student dissecting a frog. "Dissection"

NEW A woman will do anything for her boyfriend so he will marry her in "All for Him".

A paramedic describes a wild event that occurred on the job. "Paramedic"

A paramedic turns down a evening with colleagues after a difficult day at work in "The Paramedic".

A young woman is talking to her friends and building strength to break up with her boyfriend in "Enough". (Video of "Enough")

Woman (20s-30s) reveals to her husband that she can fake an orgasm in "The Big O"

Woman (20s-30s) talks about getting stung by a bee in "Bee Allergy"

Dani is a mental patient and although she is quite crazy, she doesn't think so. "Dani"

One minute monologue about a woman overcoming her agoraphobia. "Agoraphobic"

Office worker gets caught talking on the phone about her boss, "Karen" (VIDEO of "Karen")

(late teens-20s) This is a period drama about a young woman who is caught after stealing a dress from her employer. "Scullery Maid" (VIDEO of "Scullery Maid")

(late-teens/early 20s) A young woman just completed her etiquette class and is teaching her friends what she learned in "1950s Etiquette"  (VIDEO of "1950s Etiquette")

(20s-70s) The older of two sister-witches is tired of her younger sister always getting away with everything in "Helga"

(late teens-20s) This is a period drama about a young woman who tells lies to save her sister from a despicable suitor.   "Successful Deceit"

Pre-Teen A young girl is being bullied and school and called elf everyday.  She has a fun plan in "The Elf" 

Woman is so in love with her doctor that she fakes illnesses just to see him.  "Dr. Hemsworth"

Obsessed with Johnny Depp. "Johnny Depp"  (VIDEO of "Johnny Depp")

Teen girl is quite full of herself in "Popular"  (VIDEO of "Popular")

Young woman quits school to pursue her dream. "Ava"

Woman falls for a man after "Just a Touch".

Crazy woman finds herself in a psych ward because she thinks she's a chicken. "Tammy"  (VIDEO of "Tammy")

Teen girl's father murders her best friend. "My Friend Sarah" (VIDEO of "My Friend Sarah")

Woman made to feel uncomfortable at interview. "Me-Too"

The title says it all.  "Women are Superior" (Video of "Women are Superior")

Woman lives a unique life due to being a "Daydreamer"   (VIDEO of "Daydreamer")

Teen girl lives a unique life due to being a "Daydreamer"

Woman's obsession with Snickers Chocolate Bars. "Snickers"  (VIDEO of "Snickers")

Woman's revenge on abusive boyfriend. "Revenge"

Talking to dad about abusive husband. "Daddy's Little Girl" (Video of "Daddy's Little Girl")

Free spirit and life's changes. "Just Me" (VIDEO of "Just Me")

Anxiety and pain therapy. "Plastic Forks"  (VIDEO of "Plastic Forks")

Growing up with two moms. "Two Moms"

Teacher's story of her death. "Isabel"

The title says it all.  "The Nervous Actress"

The waitress who licks utensils.  "The Vindictive Waitress"

Male Monologues 

To access a monologue, click on the title.

One minute monologue about a university student dissecting a frog. "Dissection"

A vampire monologue. "Ishmael"

Tony is in the mafia and he is talking to his boss about a job he just completed. "Tony"    (VIDEO of "Tony")

A guy talks to his buddy about how to be "Romantic"

A Paramedic describes a wild event that occurred on the job. "Paramedic"

A man talks about a memory he has about his terrible father who has just died in "Dad".

A very arrogant man who thinks he is God’s gift to women stands on the sidewalk/footpath trying to pick up women in "The Pirate" (VIDEO of "The Pirate")

A man in his 20s talks about how he got spiked one night while out at a club in "Spiked".

A man and his crazy love for his "Cat"

"Detective Abel Canter" discovers a human trafficking ring and his captain is involved. (VIDEO of "Detective Abel Canter")

Special needs man is being sent to live in a group home. "James" (VIDEO of "James")

Liverpool taxi driver talking to an American. "Liverpool Taxi Driver" (VIDEO of "Liverpool Taxi Driver")

Man talks about how he killed his abusive stepfather and mother. (British Version) "Killing" (American version)  "Killing" (Video of "Killing")

Clueless about personal space. "Johnny"

Young guy and his crazy night. "When I Woke Up"

Chef has affair with prime minister's wife. "French Pastry Chef" (requires French accent)

Teen boy's video goes viral after getting his wisdom teeth pulled. "Viral Video"

Teen boy tries to impress a girl with skateboard tricks.  "Skater"

Multiple personality disorder. "Splits"

Angry black man is upset that a rival gang is trying to take over his business. "Shazam the Pimp" (This could be comedic or dramatic, depending on how it is played)

Gay man and marriage. "Getting Married"

Grieving father due to the loss of his son.  "Why"

Gay man's obsession with Johnny Depp. "Johnny Depp"

Guy talks about the loss of his eye. "Glass Eye"

Teacher suffers from PTSD after school shooting. "PTSD Teacher"

Vice Principal talks gun away from student "Mr. Howard"

Grieving father due to the loss of his son.  "Billy"

Teacher's story of his death. "Isabel" 

Transgender male to female lesbian. "The Lesbian"

Man talks about the joy of smelling his own farts. "Gas Man"

Straight man (gay phone sex operator). "Easy Money"

Old guy and his hate for kids. "I Hate Kids"

Obsession with nylons. "Nylons"

Man talks about how he has cheated on his wife. "Cheater"

Alcoholic British chef. "The Chef"

Very attractive agoraphobic chiropractor.  "Me"

Drunk carnival worker. "Carnie"

Wife is pregnant with brother's baby. "Jimmy"

Crazy cat-men. "The Taxidermist"

The title says it all. "The Melancholy Comedian" 

The title says it all. "The Melancholy Comedian" SHORT VERSION

The title says it all.  "The Nervous Actor"

The waiter who licks utensils.  "The Vindictive Waiter"

Assault and murder of a prostitute. "Inmate"

Short Scene Scripts

The below are scenes that can be used for show reels, acting classes, etc.  Click on the title to see the script.  If you need a specific scene written, let me know.

Mother of a teen girl tries to explain to her daughter the proper way to dress for school. "Mum"

NEW (1 minute scene) A couple is heading to a party and the crossdressing boyfriend is wearing a similar "Red Dress" to his girlfriend.

NEW (1 minute scene) Couple, "Nancy & Ben" are having some difficulties and Ben can't take it anymore.

NEW (1 minute scene) A couple is dealing with the "Loss" of their baby due to cancer.

NEW Teen Scene Teen sisters are dealing with handling a situation after one of them is hit by her boyfriend in "Diane & Amy".

A bit of an odd first date. "Scott & Cindy"

Young woman comes out to her aunt that she is gay in "Aunt Carol".

(1 minute scene) A woman talks to her best friend about how she got her boyfriend to satisfy her sexual needs in "Now or Never"

A woman talks to her best friend about how she got her boyfriend to satisfy her sexual needs in "Now or Never" Extended Version

Claire thinks aliens are coming and Dan needs to calm her down in "Aliens?".

Christopher built his own Flux Capacitor but it is even better than the one from Back to the Future.  His wife thinks he's nuts "Flux Capacitor"

Two mafioso gangsters, Hank and Tony have a confrontation and Tony ends up dead in "Hank and Tony" .

Captain Parrish talks to his major about how he feels it was his fault that one of his cadets was killed in battle in "Captain".

This is a ZOOM call scene.  Leonard is on the run from the FBI and needs Anthony's help in "Leonard".

Teen girl is talking to her sister and feels she caused the death of her best friend when her car is hit by a drunk driver. "Sophia" (VIDEO of "Sophia")

Two doctors (male and female) argue about the proper treatment of patients in "Doctors".

Female roommates (20s-30s) discussing canceling a date due to bad gas. "Roommates"

Lesbian couple (20s) discover they are both pregnant by the same man in "Surprise".

Two male detectives (20s-30s) discuss plan to capture a criminal in "Jackson and Malone".

Two male roommates (20s - 30s): One is an actor preparing for an audition and the other is helping him.  "Audition"

Couple (20s) Jenna asks her boyfriend, Damien, "Does my bum look fat in these 'Jeans'" (British version)

Couple (25-35) argue about not being able to get pregnant. "Tammy and John"  (VIDEO of scene)

Couple (25-35) at dinner dealing with an issue in their relationship.  "Dinner"

Couple (20-35) flirting at a cocktail party. (American version) "Teetee and William"

Couple (20-35) flirting at a cocktail party. (British version) "Teetee and William"

How to get your video posted on this site:

Email me your video via or email me the link to the YouTube video of you doing one of these monologues or send me the video using carrier pigeons and I will post it on this site.  Use whatever means possible to get me your video:)

Videos: Click on the title to view the video.

Linus Gomolka "Killing"   Jenny Quinn "Women are Superior" 

Hayley Walters "My Friend Sarah"   Claire Gaskell "Snickers" 

Hayley Walters "Tammy"    Jay Robertson "Liverpool Taxi Driver"  

Sophie Ashton: "Daydreamer"    Lori Brett "Just Me"   Dave McDevitt: "Why"  

Sheri Bagley: "Plastic Forks"    Dave McDevitt "Mickey's Strip Club"  

Videos of monologues READ by the writer: Click on the title to view the video.  I would really like to replace these on my YouTube channel with actual actors!

"Isabel"    "Jimmy"    "The Inmate"     "The Taxidermist"    "Gas Man"   

"French Pastry Chef"    "The Melancholy Comedian"


If you have any questions or a request for a specific type of monologue, shoot me an email.